Saturday, December 15, 2012

Part II

“Fashion anticipates, and elegance is a state of mind ... a mirror of the time in which we live, a translation of the future, and should  never be static.” 
Oleg Cassini

I already wrote a little about the first part of this quote that is so captivating to me that now I´m going to tell you what the rest of this quote means to me.

"... a mirror of the time in which we live,..." 

When I see people on the street, mannequins in stores, models in magazines, and many more, I can see how the time in which we live in is reflected in fashion, in the colors we wear, the designs and shapes, the way we wear those clothes. In the Fashion of the 1920s you could see everywhere women with short hair, cloche hats and dresses that made a very nice silhouette and were long right under the knee. When you take a look at the 1960s Fashion Styles you could find our so beloved mini-skirt and the pillbox hat, which is the kind of hat that Jackie Kennedy introduced us to, there were also many others like the "space look" and, of course, the hippie look. Later on in the the beginning of the new century we could find so many different fashion styles such as: hip hop styles with baggy pants, sneakers and gold or silver bling; the skater look with dreadlocks and baggy pants; the goth and rave look wearing black leather jackets and shaved heads; also the indie and emo look with vintage clothing and black or purple hoodies; there also were, and still are a lot of Alternative Fashion Styles. You see, there were, are and will be many different styles, and depending in which time we live in, there will be different kinds of styles you will be able to find. Fashion truly is a mirror of the time.

I just finished the last paragraph writing that there ALWAYS WILL BE different kinds of styles.  FASHION and all the STYLES we have seen over the years, are very much

  "a translation of the future..." 

since we don´t know exactly what we can expect will be a new trend, we can only imagine and just try to figure it out with the progress we have seen over the last decades and centuries, and use it as our own translation of fashion and sense of styling that will surprise and inspire us in the future. Fashion does always anticipate and there are minds already working on  new trends for next year and the year after, so, EXPECT the UNEXPECTED!!

STATIC is defined as lack of movement or change, and also it´s being described as uninteresting. Well this CAN most definitely NOT BE a word to describe FASHION! As Mr. Cassini said

"Fashion... should never be static" 

and it won´t!! I believe that nothing is impossible and I believe that Fashion will always be changing, moving, always will be dynamic, full of variety, and it will be continuous, it will have a little bit of everything, always be uninterrupted because there´s no way people will stop having Fashion in their lives. No matter what type, no matter what colors and shapes you like, there will always be Fashion everywhere for everyone and if you don´t like it, Create Your Own Style!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Black and Red are just my Favorite Christmas Classics for any kind of Outfit

“Fashion anticipates, and elegance is a state of mind ... a mirror of the time in which we live, a translation of the future, and should  never be static.” 
Oleg Cassini

Isn´t it so very true that Fashion is always ahead of what people think of when it comes to clothing combinations, colors, forms and shapes? 

It is the future but already in the present. It is what we wouldn´t have thought of but someone did. It is the unexpected in form of the newest trend! Yes, FASHION is what others see as unthinkable but in the end it becomes the most wanted style ever, such as skinny jeans, fake leather leggings, flower patterns that might look like my grandma´s quilt, biker boots, combat boots, multicolored hair, neon colored pants and shoes, etc. I could go on and on with trends that 10, 20, or even 50 years ago would have been considered insane and not have been accepted as Fashion, but those styles, became trends. So...

...I can only say, EXPECT the UNEXPECTED!!

Mr. Cassini also states that elegance is a state of mind. In my opinion, one of the most elegant personalities was Audrey Hepburn throughout her whole life. One of my favorite outfits is though, when she played Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany´s and appears in a beautiful, very classy and elegant black dress with a pearl necklace and her hair up, wearing big black sunglasses and just walking around in that outfit so smoothly, like it´s no big deal. Even though it was a role she played, in real life she always combined elegance and uniqueness so well that there is no doubt for me, that ELEGANCE for her, wasn´t just in her clothing, but in her attitude, it was a STATE OF MIND more than anything else. That is what we should reflect every single time we walk out of our house/apartment in any outfit we are wearing, because we have the right attitude about ourselves, about our outfit and we enjoy looking the way we do!!

Be CONFIDENT about the trends that surround us, maybe even CREATE a new one!!

Show off your STATE OF MIND regarding FASHION and STYLE, and since a state of mind, by definition, changes, it´s no big deal, fashion and styles do too, so we can just start fresh again and find our new state of mind about the FASHION that surrounds us.

Another time I would like to continue writing about this quote by Mr. Cassini.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Does FASHION really just exist because there´s people to judge it?

"Fashion is a social agreement. The result of a consensus of a large group of people."
Stella Blum

I have noticed that many people, when they talk about Fashion, judge fashion so much because they only see the surface, but like any discriminating attitude, they don´t take their time to see underneath, they don´t bother to find out more about what is behind that first impression.

Fashion, in my opinion, isn´t there only to be judged by others, it is there to fill people´s lives with Joy, Satisfaction and Confidence. Fashion is what I can rely on when everything else goes wrong, because I have the power over my own style. Of course I´m influenced by many styles, but defining a new style by combining others and not having a "one and only" style, is MY STYLE!! 

The bottom line is that Fashion doesn´t have to be just superficial, it doesn´t have to be those three seconds you saw an outfit and after that you might never want to see it again because you barely gave it a chance. Fashion, its styles and colors, its shapes and different combinations are the perfect opportunity for us to be satisfied with infinite possibilities of mix and matching so we find and decide what our very OWN STYLE is.

What would happen if we all just depended on other people to speak their mind about the way we dress? What if we are just marionettes that are in a puppet game played by designers so we can entertain even more designers? What if we would treat Fashion as a "social agreement" like Mrs. Blum called it? 

I say we should take into consideration what the rest of the world thinks or has to say about our looks, our style, consequently about us, but don´t let that be decisive for what you want/don´t want to wear, in the end, YOU have to feel confident, comfortable and unique, not the OTHERS! 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Fashion, makes me feel: safe, confident and unique

“Fashion is something that goes in one year and out the other.”

I found this quote, and it´s unknown who said it, but it´s the most simple and true quote I have read in the last weeks. In my opinion the idea of fashion is so vague, it has such an indefinite character that it makes me feel various emotions. 

First, it makes me feel safe, because nowadays, no matter what I wear it´s Fashion in some way. I can hardly go wrong because there is no specific standard anymore, the only rule to follow now, is that there are NO RULES!

"It’s a new era in fashion - there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together."
Alexander McQueen

Second, I feel confident, which is a completely unintended consequence of the first emotion/feeling, safety. Mixing colors and combining different styles is a passion of mine, also when I think too much about it, the joy goes away faster than you know. What it is about clothes, shoes, accessories and their colors and shapes that are so fascinating to me that I honestly feel like I express who I am, who I want to be, and redefine myself every time I put on a new outfit. It is a feeling of power. 

"I have always believed that fashion was not only to make women more beautiful, but also to reassure them, give them confidence."
Yves Saint Laurent 

Third, fashion makes me feel unique. Every time I put on some jeans, a white shirt and some sneakers, I know I look good, mainly because there´s no other Alexandra like me. Yes people copy each others styles and look the same, and Yes, on some people it looks better than on others, but your attitude and the way those clothes make you feel, is all reflected in the way you wear them, and nobody can copy that!

"Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it."
Yves Saint-Laurent

To get back to the quote about fashion that comes one year and goes the next. Well, my mom always tells me that "fashion styles keep coming back from the past" and she keeps seeing pieces that are similar to what she wore when she was 17 years old. It always makes me smile when that happens because I have the strong feeling that someday that will happen to me, and those will be my words. I noticed how my style changed over the years, how I laughed at some things that I adore now, and I can´t wait to see when my kids might do the same! 

FASHION  is full of amazing surprises, and it won´t stop to impress or influence us, just enjoy every single STYLE you try out. Life is there to make mistakes, and if you make any with your style then don´t worry, you have the rest of your life and thanks to that mistake, you´re one step closer to your OWN UNIQUE FASHION STYLE!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fashion, to me, is freedom of visual expression, individualism, and colors, lots and lots of colors!


"Fashions fade, style is eternal." 

Yves Saint Laurent

In the last decade so many changes have been going on with clothing, specially because so many designers brought back looks from the sixties, seventies and eighties, also making the clothing more feminine and colorful. The changes we have seen are nothing compared to what we will see in the 21st Century Fashion thanks to new technologies influencing so many aspects of our everyday lives, according to Soon those technologies will also influence Fashion and therefore our Style. If you think of all the changes that have been happening since fashion exists, and that they all started with inspirations from the most random people at the most random places. It´s crazy to maybe think that the ONE outfit you will wear tomorrow, might influence the fashion world. Whatever idea you have, I encourage you to show it and share it!

"A fashion that does not reach the streets is not a fashion." 

Coco Chanel

I have been thinking that there are so many combinations, so many different kinds of outfits I could wear and go out in them but when I do, nobody seems to be on the streets at that point, so technically my outfit, my style, has reached the street, but since nobody saw it, nobody had the chance to either like or criticize it, does it mean it is not fashion? 
When I have an idea that I want to try out, and I drew it in my sketch pad, but since I did not actually wear it, it has not been out there to be seen, does that also mean it is not fashion? So when a designer creates a new dress, that could be the most unique and most worn dress, but he does not show it to the rest of the world, I guess that means that it is not fashion either.

What does fashion mean to you? Is it something you have to show off? 

Fashion, to me, is freedom of visual expression, individualism, and colors!
Yes, I believe fashion is there to be shown, life is too short to think about things twice, three times, four times, so in the end you might never even do it! 
Just try it out, I DARE YOU! 
I dare you to be irresistible, I dare you to be sensual and most of all, I dare you to show everyone your very own Sense Of Styling!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

"I don't do fashion, I am fashion". Coco Chanel​

I will be having my own website and also a facebook site, so if you liked my style until now, don´t miss out on the new pictures I will post!!

I´m very excited and can´t wait to publish it, I will be publishing the fb site in a week and the website will be open for everyone to see in January next year!!

The FB Site´s name will be S.O.S. Fashion Advice so please visit and like it!
