Tuesday, January 8, 2013

“Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest.”  
Christian Dior

Zest if being defined as Energy, the synonyms you can find of zest are Charm, Passion, Spice, Warmth, Ambition and Vivacity , and Christian Dior described it as "... the secret of all beauty..." and I have to admit, I definitely agree with him!!

I want to believe that there are no limits for beauty, no limits for being attractive, no rules and no specific standard form we need to follow when it comes to beauty. However, there are limits and rules we set, and let others set for us on a daily basis!

In certain situations we feel forced to follow the rules and guidelines, situations where we might have to be careful with how we present ourselves. Our work place might present one of those situations where we won´t be able to avoid that oppression of our style freedom because there are many jobs which standards´ will be to dress in a certain, most like conservative, way. For those who follow those standards I say, you´re strong for not letting it bother you and are able to be disciplined; to the ones that can´t or don´t want to follow the rules: follow your hear and your own Sense Of Style anytime, anywhere.

For many it´s hard to just agree and follow the rules, but it´s okay to have some limits, because there is always people who want to break them... are you one of them??
I won´t lie, I am definitely one of those who want to break out of that little jail that others made for my creativity and imagination regarding my Style, and it already has gotten me in some trouble, but it´s worth it. Be true to yourselves! That is for me one of the definitions I might want to add to the ones that describe zest!

Beauty is everywhere. Beauty surrounds us, we just need to be able to notice it. We can also find beauty in our minds, and when we do, the next step is to share it! What is a great idea worth if it never comes out of your mind?! Maybe the next time you put on a dress, some pants or your favorite earrings you´ll think of that one idea you once had and always thought of. That one crazy thought of that specific combination that will turn heads and make people wonder how high your level of craziness is, but somehow you just love it!! Well, I say go for it, risk it, and try it out!!

Be Energetic and Passionate about the way you present yourself to the world. The world might have only one first impression of you, but with the right attitude, you can make a great impression everyday you walk into a new adventure of going to work/school!

Wikipedia defines ZEST as 
"the concept that involves performing tasks wholeheartedly, whilst also being adventurous, vivacious and energetic." 

Be adventurous and vivacious, experiment different Styles, Colors, and Shapes, just do it and everyone (including yourself) will see the positivity and optimism that written all over your face!

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