Friday, November 30, 2012

Does FASHION really just exist because there´s people to judge it?

"Fashion is a social agreement. The result of a consensus of a large group of people."
Stella Blum

I have noticed that many people, when they talk about Fashion, judge fashion so much because they only see the surface, but like any discriminating attitude, they don´t take their time to see underneath, they don´t bother to find out more about what is behind that first impression.

Fashion, in my opinion, isn´t there only to be judged by others, it is there to fill people´s lives with Joy, Satisfaction and Confidence. Fashion is what I can rely on when everything else goes wrong, because I have the power over my own style. Of course I´m influenced by many styles, but defining a new style by combining others and not having a "one and only" style, is MY STYLE!! 

The bottom line is that Fashion doesn´t have to be just superficial, it doesn´t have to be those three seconds you saw an outfit and after that you might never want to see it again because you barely gave it a chance. Fashion, its styles and colors, its shapes and different combinations are the perfect opportunity for us to be satisfied with infinite possibilities of mix and matching so we find and decide what our very OWN STYLE is.

What would happen if we all just depended on other people to speak their mind about the way we dress? What if we are just marionettes that are in a puppet game played by designers so we can entertain even more designers? What if we would treat Fashion as a "social agreement" like Mrs. Blum called it? 

I say we should take into consideration what the rest of the world thinks or has to say about our looks, our style, consequently about us, but don´t let that be decisive for what you want/don´t want to wear, in the end, YOU have to feel confident, comfortable and unique, not the OTHERS! 

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